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I am married to Glen, we have five beautiful daughters, and we live in a small town of approximately 12,500 people.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

BEAUMONT BUZZ - 2010 Plans for Beaumont

I'm involved in a couple of exciting activities that are in the works for 2010. We have a home in Beaumont that was built in 1912. It is 7 years older than both St. Vital Church and the Magnan family home across the street from the Credit Union. Unfortunately it is right in the middle of an upcoming development in the downtown core.

I have spoken with the owner's representative and he has assured us that if we are able to find a new location for the home, "in a timely manner", we can have it for free. So right now I am preparing a presentation for town council to ask them for their support. We have three locations in mind but our first choice is the best one by far, a natural fit.

Also, on May 15th the Town of Beaumont will experience its first Dry Grad celebration. This is a positive alternative for the graduating students of E.S.B.C.H.S. and their friends and promises to be an exciting event. Our committee is busy at work preparing the event. If you know of any business or community organization who might like to join us in support of this event please send them our way.

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