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I am married to Glen, we have five beautiful daughters, and we live in a small town of approximately 12,500 people.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

RANDOM THOUGHTS - Dr. Who Tearjerker

Well, it's happened. David Tennant has performed in his last Dr. Who episode. Boy, it was a good one. After watching part one I could hardly wait for the conclusion to air. And considering the good folks in England get it first I was feeling very envious of them.

It's interesting, I never realized before this that there are probably a lot of great shows and actors in the world who I know nothing about. If we didn't have this bond between the BBC and the CBC I doubt I would have ever heard about the series. That's because we don't subscribe to cable TV.

I find Dr. Who is to the British like Star Trek is to North Americans. And I love both because the episodes are more often than not very creative as well as thought provoking. And I am not ashamed to say, I love it when good conquers evil. I do believe that life is very much like that.

So if you haven't seen seen what all the fuss is about yet I encourage you to look into it. If you are like me, you'll love it. Allons-y!

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