Last Saturday our church ward members were involved in a Food Bank Drive. We delivered flyers during the week to let residents know about it. Glen was the Captain for our northeast quadrant. We thought it would take longer to pick up food from each house but it went quite quickly actually. I had Sarah and Jami with me and I could tell they were having a lot of fun together.

Over the past few months I have noticed there are a number of places worldwide where church members are involved in service projects like this. They get to wear these special bright yellow vests that read "Mormon Helping Hands". One reason for that is so that the public know the activity is a legitimate one. I'm so excited that we have some of these vests for our activity too. Here you can see Jami wearing one.
We were surprised at how fast it went. We definitely would have liked to have had more donations but this is our first year doing this. We are already talking about how we can improve it for next year. We have learned we can assign bigger routes so that we are sure to get flyers out to all the homes in Beaumont next time.

All told we collected 5,000 pounds of food and I'm told that Shaw cable and Campbell's Canada will both match what we brought in. So that means we have 15,000 pounds of food going in to the Food Bank. I like the timing, right after Canadian Thanksgiving and apparently it was also World Day of Hunger.
I can't wait to do this again next year!
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