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I am married to Glen, we have five beautiful daughters, and we live in a small town of approximately 12,500 people.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

RANDOM THOUGHTS - Runaway Hamster

The girls had the hamster out for a walk in the upstairs bathroom. Crummy cabinets posed a major problem and we had some serious tears and heartbreak building up. Poor Jami thought she would never see her hamster alive again.

The cabinets have this gap so she got in under the floor of the cabinets and down some hole for the plumbing and into the downstairs basement walls. We emptied out the cabinet and managed to lift the cheap flimsy floor of it to peer under and try to locate her but she was long gone.

We were trying to find her for a while and so frustrated and weapy (Jami especially). I said my own silent prayer while in Karren's room. Jami had done plenty of that prior, she said. Then, 5 minutes later, with the dishwasher turned off, I heard a pit pat on the family room drop-ceiling panels. We pushed a couple up, Glen was tall enough on top of the couch to spot her running freely up and down and heading into Karren's room.

We were trying to figure out which panel to open to get the hamster bus in the hole, baited with fresh fruit. Then Glen noticed she had somehow raced around to where he was, to check him out from behind. We handed him the bus, I got my own stool to help hold it and shut the door after she walked right in.

Well, it was much easier to laugh about the whole incident and get back to our evening, once the escapee was back in her cage. She's making quite a racket running in her wheel right now. How boring life would be without a hamster.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Hi Carole,
I just started reading your comments on, and couldn't even get through the first part without crying; especially how you somehow knew when you heard the plan of salvation. It is awesome that we come to earth with memories so strong. OK, now I'll go finish reading about you. Love from a fellow sister and Mormon! Janet