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I am married to Glen, we have five beautiful daughters, and we live in a small town of approximately 12,500 people.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

MY DAY - Trying to accomplish something

I had a lot of good intentions for today (yesterday really, Wednesday - I'm writing this way past bed time:-). If I was to go out and set up fundraising appointments I needed to have some handouts to leave behind. Trouble with our two printers lasted all day though. Too bad we have become so dependent on technology that when it doesn't work we lose control of our day. At least supper was sort of on time.

The highlight of my day was a meeting I attended with probably 35 of my lady friends from church. The topic was "Stress, Anxiety and Depression". I've experienced all three.

It was an opportunity to learn some of the things that researchers have concluded or are working on. Basically, our thoughts affect our feelings that are also connected to our physical well being and how we behave. A network of friends, taking care of our body, doing things that help us increase our feelings of self worth, being willing to see ourselves in a positive light and more supportive of others - it all helps.

The bottom line is that we are daughters of our Heavenly Father and he loves us and wants what is best. Struggles with day to day living is part of this earthly experience that we all jumped for joy about in our pre-earth life. I know I learn more about becoming a better person through my challenges than I ever would living a life of ease and comfort.

Life is good, even today with my plans not going where I wanted them to. As for tomorrow, I've done my research. I've picked out the new laser printer I'm hoping to buy. I LOVE shopping.

1 comment:

Bless This Mess said...

Great blog! I'll be following for sure.